[Article] Eye-lrcn: A long-term recurrent convolutional network for eye blink completeness detection. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

Summary: The article introduces Eye-LRCN, a new method for eye blink detection that also evaluates blink completeness using a Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Network (LRCN). This approach combines a CNN for feature extraction with a bidirectional RNN for sequence learning, and employs a Siamese architecture to handle class imbalance and limited data. Eye-LRCN demonstrates superior performance in blink detection and completeness assessment, and achieves noticeable results in eye state detection.

de la Cruz, Gonzalo, et al. “Eye-lrcn: A long-term recurrent convolutional network for eye blink completeness detection.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 35.4 (2022): 5130-5140.