International Conferences

Deep learning approaches to functional MRI data analysis

Lee JH

ICMRI, 2017/Mar, Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul
Deep learning approach to resting-state networks analysis using fMRI data

Jang H, Lee JH,

SfN 2016, San Diego, CA, USA
Deep learning to predict the emotional response using functional MRI data

Kim HC, Lee JH, 

OHBM 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
Deep neural network for age prediction using resting-state fMRI data

Jang H, Lee JH, 

OHBM 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
Neuronal response of electronic cigarette use in comparison to tobacco use: an fMRI study

Heo DW, Jang Y, Kim HC, Lee JH, 

OHBM 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
Can the default-mode networks estimate brain regions associated with a real-time fMRI neurofeedback? A feasibility study,

Kim DY, Kim HC, Lee JH, 

The 2nd International Conference on Real Time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback, Florida, USA