Domestic Conferences

The Efficacy of Transfer Learning with Node-wise Sparsity Control for Task fMRI Classification

Jundong Hwang, Niv Lustig, Wangwon Lee, Minyoung Jeong, Jong-hwan Lee

Annual meeting of Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, Korea Chapter, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2021
Cortical localization of lower-limb movement using 3D-pose with MRI-compatible lowerlimb movement device (자기공명영상장치 호환 가능 하지운동보조장치를 이용한 3차원 하지 움직임 파라미터로부터의 운동피 질 국소화)

Minji Park, Sungman Jo, Dong-Youl Kim, MinSeok Choi, Soohyun Jeon,Inchan Youn, Song Joo Lee, Jong-Hwan Lee

Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Aug/2021
Multi-voxel pattern-based classification of lower limb movement in paracentral lobule using fMRI data (기능적 뇌영상 연구: 다량 복셀 패턴 분석에 기반한 하지 움직임에 따른 국소화)

Minseok Choi, Dong-Youl Kim, Minji Park, Sungman Jo, Inchan Youn, Songjoo Lee, Jong-Hwan Lee

Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Aug/2021
Predicting General Psychopathology Factor (p-factor) Using Functional Connectivity via Scanner-Generalization Neural Networks

Jinwoo Hong, Jong-Hwan Lee

Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Aug/2021
Estimating HRF Using Independent Components from Simultaneous EEG and fMRI Data Acquired from Emotional Sound (감정 소리 자극 실험에서 동시 측정된 뇌파와 뇌기능영상 데이터의 독립성분들을 사용한 혈류역학반응함수 추정)

Jae-Eon Kang, Chang-Ha Lee, Ye-Ji Kim, Yoo-Joo Jeong, Jong-hwan Lee

Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Aug/2021
Exploring Brain Activity During Cognitive Tasks Using bAbI Dataset (bAbI 데이터셋을 이용한 인지과제 중 뇌 활동 분석 연구)

Lee JHyeon, Kim HC, Kim JS, Choi MS, Jo SM, Lee JH

Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Aug/2021
The Efficacy of Transfer Learning with Node-wise Sparsity Control for Task fMRI Classification (뇌영상 데이터 분류성능향상을 위한 희소성제어 전이학습의 효용성 규명)

Jundong Hwang, Niv Lustig, Wangwon Lee, Minyoung Jeong, Jong-hwan Lee

Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Aug/2021
Laterality index modulation of stroke patients evaluated from functional MRI

Kim DY, Park MJ, Kim YH, Kang KH, Lee JH

Korean Society of Biomechanics, Oct/2019
[Best Poster Award]
Modulation of laterality index from real-time functional MRI based neurofeedback training for stroke patients

Kim DY, Kim YH, Kang KH, Lee JH

Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2019