Lab News

Kickoff meeting of Neural Reinforcement Learning (NRL) grant

We had a kickoff meeting of the 3rd year for our BRL grant on NRL.


Lab dinner and Farewell of Jin Soo

We had Korean meals for a lab dinner to celebrate Jin Soo’s graduation!

Many congratulations for your degree, Jin Soo!


New research grant on Breathing-Focused Interoception and Real-Time fMRI

We awarded a new five-year grant from March/2025 funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korean government (MSIT)!!

“A Reproducibility Verification Study on the Enhancement of Brain-Body-Mind Indicators in Early Adolescents through Breathing-Focused Interoceptive Sensitivity Training and Real-Time fMRI-based Neurofeedback”

BESK 2025 Winter Symposium

We attended the Winter Symposium of Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Febuary 05~07, Welli Hilli Park, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea.


We presented our work at the poster session of the workshop!


Jae-Eon received the Best Poster Award for their works as follows:

Jae-eon Kang, Juhyeon Lee, Changha Lee, Jihun Kim, Jong-Hwan Lee, Masked Graph Clustering Autoencoder(MGCA): A Self-Supervised GNN Framework for ROI and Network-wise Connectivity Analysis to Investigate Mindfulness States, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK) 2025/Feb


Many congratulations!!!

We went skiing and had a great time. :)


KHBM 2024 Oral Presentations for Juhyeon and Jae-eon and Selected as Best Oral Presenters

Juhyeon Lee and Jae-eon Kang were invited as oral presenters at KHBM 2024, and among them, they were selected as outstanding presenters and received an award. (Nov. 02; < 7%)

“Representation Similarity between Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) Agent and the Human Brain in Real-world Scenarios”, Juhyeon Lee, JunHo Seo, Hyunsung Kim, Minki Kim, Sangsoo Jin, ByungJun Lee, Jong-Hwan Lee


“Masked Graph Clustering Autoencoder (MGCA): A Self-Supervised GNN Framework for ROI and Network-wise Connectivity Analysis to investigate interoceptive awareness in rs-fMRI dataset”, Jae-eon Kang, Juyoung Kim, Saim Kim, Yuri Kim, Juhyeon Lee, Changha Lee, Jihun Kim, Hackjin Kim, Jong-Hwan Lee



Many congratulations and well done!!

Lab dinner and Farewell of Sangsoo

We had chicken and beer for a lab dinner to celebrate Sangsoo’s graduation!


Many congratulations for your degree, Sangsoo!


Scholarship Award from NRF for Minwoo Lee and Chae Lynn Kim

Minwoo and Chae Lynn were awarded the scholarship for their graduate study proposal from National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea.

Many congratulations, Minwoo and Chae Lynn!!

Graduation Seremony 2024 Summer for Juhyeon and Sangsoo

Many congratulations on Juhyeon’s PhD and Sangsoo’s Master’s degree!


Seniors and juniors gathered to congratulate them on their graduation. Thank you all!


You were the best colleagues. We wish you all the best :)

2024 AFNI Bootcamp

We attended the AFNI Bootcamp of Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), June 29~July 2, Grabel Hotel, Jeju, Korea.

It was a very enjoyable and informative time! :)

We successfully completed the class and took a final group photo. Thank you everyone!


We had great time to chat and listen to good music.


BESK 2024 Summer Workshop

We attended the Summer Workshop of Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), June 28~June 30, Grabel Hotel, Jeju, Korea.


We presented our work at the poster session of the workshop!


Changha received the Best Poster Award for their works as follows:

Changha Lee, Jae-eon Kang, Jong-Hwan Lee, EEG and fMRI Analysis of Emotion Regulation with Binaural Beats and Vehicle Noise, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK) 2024/June


Many congratulations!!!

We had a nice dinner and had lots of fun :)
