[Article] Tentative fMRI signatures of perceptual echoes in early visual cortex.

Summary: The aim of study is to examine the association between dispositional mindfulness and PFC neural activity during working memory and identify the dispositional mindfulness from AAMS (Adult and Adolescent Mindfulness Scale) that would be associated with greater working memory performance. The result showed the decreased BOLD signal in the right vlPFC related to higher Attention and Awareness score and reduced FC between right vlPFC and dmPFC related to higher Nonreactivity.

Stein, J. A., Bray, S., MacMaster, F. P., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., & Kopala-Sibley, D. C. (2022). Adolescents with High Dispositional Mindfulness Show Altered Right Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Activity During a Working Memory Task. Mindfulness, 13(1), 198-210.