[Article] Tentative fMRI signatures of perceptual echoes in early visual cortex.

Summary: Here, they conducted an EEG and fMRI experiment to investigate the neural basis of the impulse response function(IRF). They measured the IRF of each subject in the EEG session and then reconstructed an estimate of the EEG signal by convolving the IRF with the stimuli presented in the fMRI session. The envelope of reconstructed EEG signals in the theta, alpha, and beta bands was taken as regressors for the GLM. They found the envelope of the EEG alpha positively correlated with BOLD activity in V1 and V2, but not with activity in the retinotopically stimulated regions.

Luo, Canhuang, et al. “Tentative fMRI signatures of perceptual echoes in early visual cortex.” NeuroImage 237 (2021): 118053.